<1>How many pretty Korean words have you heard?(예쁜 한글 단어 모음)
Pretty Korean words How much have you heard of pretty Hangul? Let's start with a word that starts with ㄱ(giyeog) A word that begins with the letter "Giyeog" *가든/gadeun/ : 가볍고 단출하다 의 뜻인 가든하다 에서 뿌리(어근)를 따온 이름 The name is derived from the root of Garden Hada, which means light and simple. *가람/galam/ : 강의 옛말로, 영원히 흘러가는 업적을 남기는 사람이 되라는 뜻으로 지은 이름 In the old saying of the river, the name was given to b..