[Introduction to Korea - Life] Hanbok :: Korean Tip
  • 2023. 8. 6.

    by. 1.한국정보

    In order to spend the cold winter and hot summer well, Koreans developed various clothing materials such as hemp, ramie, cotton, and silk and wore their own clothes. Examples are clothes made of silk or cotton with cotton in winter, and clothes made of hemp and ramie in summer. Hanbok is a unique Korean costume designed with such a calm atmosphere and fine lines.


    추운 겨울과 더운 여름을 잘 보내기 위해 한국인은 삼베, 모시, 무명, 비단 등 다양한 의복 재료를 개발하여 고유의 옷을 만들어 입었다. 겨울에는 비단 혹은 무명에 솜을 넣어 누빈 옷, 여름에는 삼베와 모시로 만든 옷이 대표적인 예이다. 한복은 이러한 소재에 차분한 분위기와 고운 선으로 디자인된 한국 고유의 의상이다.


    Changes in Hanbok

    Hanbok has maintained its basic composition in the lives of the Korean people for more than 5,000 years, but its form and structure have changed in various ways depending on the living culture, times, and aesthetic consciousness of the time.


    한복은 5,000여 년 한민족의 삶에서 기본 구성을 유지하면서도 당대의 생활 문화와 시대 상황, 미의식 등에 따라 형태와 구조가 다양하게 변화해 왔다.


    Characteristics of Hanbok

    In general, Koreans enjoy wearing white clothes rather than colorful clothes and worshiping white, so they are referred to as "white people" or peace-loving people. However, he also wore hanbok with colorful colors and sophisticated designs depending on the times and status.


    일반적으로 한국인은 화려한 옷보다는 흰옷을 즐겨 입고, 흰색을 숭상해왔기 때문에 ‘백의민족’ 혹은 평화를 사랑하는 민족으로 일컬어진다. 그러나 시대와 신분에 따라서 색깔이 화려하고 디자인 이 세련된 한복도 입었다.




    The value of hanbok

    Recently, various hanbok designs that express traditional Korean patterns with a modern sense are attracting attention in the world. Hanbok is recognized as an attractive costume for its unique style and beauty through music videos by K-Pop singers such as BTS and BLACKPINK, and hanbok accessories such as Gat (Korean traditional hat) in the Korean drama "Kingdom" aired on Netflix, the world's largest OTT (Over The Top) platform.


    최근에는 한국 전통 문양을 현대적 감각으로 표현하는 다양한 한복 디자인이 세계에서 주목받고 있다. BTS, 블랙핑크 등 K-Pop 가수의 뮤직비디오를 통해 독특한 스타일과 아름다움으로 한복이 전 세계에서 매력적인 의상으로 각인되고 있으며, 세계 최대 OTT(Over The Top) 플랫폼인 넷플릭스에서 방영한 한국 드라마 ‘킹덤’에 등장한 갓(한국 전통 모자) 등 한복 장신구까지 주목받으면서 한복 은 대중적으로 가치를 인정받고 있다.

    Nowadays, in Korea, people wear hanbok on special occasions such as holidays and feast days. Some people usually wear modernized hanboks, but most Koreans wear clothes that suit their Western and modern senses. This can be seen as the creative instincts of Koreans with excellent fashion sense have been transformed according to the times."


    요즘 한국에서는 명절이나 잔칫날 등 특별한 때에 한복을 입는다. 평상시 개량 한복을 입는 사람 도 있지만, 대다수 한국인은 서구적이고 현대적 감각에 맞는 옷을 입는다. 이는 패션 감각이 뛰어난 한국인의 창의적 본능이 시대에 맞게 변용된 것으로 볼 수 있다.”

    Gangnam-u, Seoul, which has become famous for singer Psy's "Gangnam Style, " is an area where many wealthy people live and a center of Korean high-end culture such as art and fashion. Designated as a fashion special zone, fashion festivals such as up-and-coming designer contests and international fashion designers' fashion shows are held every year.


    가수 싸이의 ‘강남 스타일’로 유명해진 서울 강남구는 부유층이 많이 사는 지역이자 예술과 패션 등 한국 고급문화의 중심지이다. 패션 특구로 지정된 이곳에서는 해마다 신진 디자이너 콘테스트, 국제적인 패션 디자이너의 패션쇼 등 패션 페스티벌이 열린다.

    If Gangnam-gu, Seoul, is the center of high-end fashion, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, is the center of young and popular modern fashion. Dongdaemun, which is equipped with production facilities, distribution, and sales facilities centered on young designers, has become an essential tourist and shopping course for foreigners, attracting attention as a modern fashion collection center.


    서울 강남구가 고급 패션의 중심지라 면, 서울 동대문구는 젊고 대중적인 현대 패션의 중심지라고 할 수 있다. 젊은 디자이너를 중심으로 생산 시설, 유통 및 판매 시설이 완비된 동대문은 현대적 패션 집산지로 주목받으며 외국인의 필수 관광·쇼핑 코스가 되었다.